The Therapeutic Environment

The Therapeutic Environment

Through Integrative Therapeutic Counselling the aim is to provide you with a supportive, safe and confidential environment within which to explore your issues. The purpose of the therapeutic relationship is to help clients to gain awareness of their uniqueness. You will not be given advice, nor will you be judged. However, you will be aided as you gain a new perspective on your situation.  grass sky moreYou will be heard with acceptance and you will be acknowledged with respect as you try and explore, at your own pace, how things are and find a way to move forward when painful issues present themselves.

Your lifestyle, your principles and your right to make your own choices and decisions will be valued since everyone has resources to explore and resolve their own particular issues, given a sufficiently supportive and empathic environment.

An initial appointment will provide an opportunity for us to meet. You can discuss your problem or issue and I will try to answer your questions and outline my way of working. Should we mutually agree to work together, we will create a Counselling Contract and a convenient regular time to meet.

Counselling sessions will generally be for one hour per week for a mutually agreed period, but in special circumstances we can be more flexible.