Hello & Welcome

I have a great passion for counselling and believe that the uniqueness of the therapeutic relationship can be life changing.

Often the first step is the biggest – just making contact with a therapist can be the start in your journey of self-empowerment. I believe that whatever influences your decision to contact a counsellor is OK. Just keep in mind that the therapeutic relationship is unique – it’s a professional contract where you will be valued, respected and listened to in confidence and without judgement. Often this is like no other relationship you may have encountered.

Counselling facilitates personal growth, promoting self-knowledge and emotional development.  It can help you focus on complex issues that may concern you and enable you to gain deeper understanding, discovering your true potential and to aid awareness and perspective.

My approach is to facilitate you to find your way through your individual journey, which will enable you to rediscover your inner strength and direction and to develop a healthier life at all levels of well-being. I hold the view that each of us is unique and that through the counselling experience my role is to compassionately help you explore a wide range of issues whilst respecting your lifestyle choices, your principles and your right to make your own decisions.

Whatever decision you make – whether to engage with counselling today, tomorrow, or sometime in the future – I believe that counselling can enrich your life and enhance self-potential and fulfilment.

What Jan’s clients say…

ʽTo accept that you need counselling is hard. To find someone who you feel comfortable to talk to about your anxieties, at a time you are feeling so vulnerable is perhaps even harder. From my very first session with Jan I felt at ease and reassured. Her relaxed but professional approach had the balance just right. She was a friendly and helpful listener who taught me to think about what I was experiencing in a different way, from a different perspective. She guided me through my time with her. She didn’t carry me, but gave me the awareness and the tools to think for myself and about myself. She understood me and made me feel worthwhile. Jan helped me find myself again… Thank you!ʼ
GH, Devon
ʽJan supported me through an extremely difficult period of my life when I was going through a number significant and traumatic changes. Through her understanding, insight and techniques I was able develop an appreciation of what was happening around me and my place in that. Working with Jan I was able to reflect, analyse and understand and discover an inner strength that equipped me to deal with a very difficult time. The lessons learnt remain with me and I am extremely grateful for her help and for taking the decision to seek her professional support.ʼ
SD, Devon